Trump administration might move to privatize Corporation for Public Broadcasting

One of Donald Trump’s first actions in the White House may mean drastic, devastating changes to public media. Prior to the inauguration, his transition team has included plans to privatize the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The CPB is a nonprofit corporation that receives about $445 million a year in federal funding. It is also the primary source of funds for public television and radio programming. Continue Reading

Playing music leads consumer satisfaction with voice-activated devices

A new report from VoiceLabs examines the burgeoning market of voice-activated personal assistants. With the pushes by so many tech companies – such as Amazon, Google, and Sonos – into this space, what are device owners actually using them for? VoiceLabs’ used its Voice Experience Analytics service to give some answers to that question. Continue Reading

James Cridland’s Future of Radio: New formats for digital radio, overnight radio’s future, blue nail varnish

by James Cridland

James Cridland’s Future of Radio is a column by the Australia-based radio futurologist. THIS WEEK: An outlook on overnight radio in the US and the UK. Following up on Norway’s digital switch-off. More audio and radio news from around the world. Continue Reading

Triton Digital expands Soundcloud relationship to U.S. for programmatic

This morning Triton Digital is announcing a significant growth of its relationship with SoundCloud. SoundCloud, the giant global listening platform based in Berlin, has chosen Triton’s a2x programmatic audio platform for its U.S. inventory. The deal expands the tie-up of these two companies from earlier agreements in Australia and Canada. Continue Reading