The Players’ Tribune has partnered with DGital Media to launch a new podcast network. This new creation will center on athletes and sports. The network will debut on Jan. 26 with the show Giant Steps, which tells the story of the first Super Bowl Championship for the New York Giants football team in 1986. It will feature first-person accounts from players and personnel involved with the team at that time.
The Players’ Tribune was founded by former Yankees star Derek Jeter, and is a content platform for and by athletes. “We’re excited to introduce another medium for athletes to share stories and discuss important issues through a unique and intimate listening experience,” President Jaymee Messler said. “DGital Media is a terrific partner on the launch of this newest extension of our premium content offerings.”
“As the leading platform highlighting the voice of the athlete, DGital Media is extremely proud and honored to partner with the team at The Players Tribune,” says Chris Corcoran, Chief Content Officer, DGital Media. “No other medium showcases the actual voice of the athlete better than audio and we’re thrilled to be creating compelling and impactful programming together with TPT, for fans and clients alike.”