SiriusXM company AdsWizz intros “Mood Targeting” for streaming music advertisers

Adtech company AdsWizz has introduced a new targeting technology for marketers who advertise in streaming music environments. Called Mood Targeting, “The new product seeks to match the mood or content of an ad, to the mood of the listener’s song or playlist.” Targeting music mood was a Pandora breakthrough years ago, and Pandora originally acquired AdsWizz (both are subsidiaries of SiriusXM). Click for details. Continue Reading

The “ever-elusive” Gen Z — podcast listening on the rise; friendly to ads

SXM Media, sponsor of an Edison Research study of Gen Z podcast listening, has spilled a substantial amount of information in advance of the official webinar presentation on June 15. The premise is that Gen Z is an elusive population group with unique characteristics, and that Gen Z’ers are eager and attentive podcast consumers. A surprising wealth of data are previewed. Click for details and a link to more. Continue Reading

SXM Media #1 in Edison’s Top Podcast Networks list

Preeminent consumer research company in audio, Edison Research, released a Top Podcast Networks by Audience Reach list. SXM Media takes the #1 spot. This list differs from some other network rankers, because it gets its findings from consumer surveys of active podcast listeners, not from technology measurement of the measuring company’s clients. Continue Reading

SiriusXM intros AudioID via AdsWizz subsidiary; promises “a new era of identity”

SiriusXM unleashed a press release today — dense and carefully worded — introducing a new SXM Media technology called AudioID on the AdsWizz audio ad tech platform owned by Sirius. The public announcement (read it HERE) promises a new kind of data and personal ID relationship between listeners and marketers, without exactly describing what the changes will be. We dive in. Continue Reading

“Black Podcast Listener Report” reveals size and characteristics of the American Black audience

The much anticipated Black Podcast Listener Report, with support from Edison Research and Mindshare, was released today and presented in a webinar. Key survey points cover the size of the Black listening audience and how it compares with the total U.S. population, how that audience discovers podcasts, their receptivity to podcast ads, and much more. Click through for many data points and graphics. Continue Reading

36% of Black Americans listen to podcasts monthly: New research (Edison, SXM, Mindshare)

“Black listeners are closing the gap with the general market.” That’s a general insight driving a new consumer survey study fielded by Edison Research and supported by SXM Media and media agency Mindshare. The Black Podcast Listener Report will be presented via webinar on Tuesday, November 16. Click for a early data nibbles and link to free registration. Continue Reading