Steve Goldstein: How local radio can (finally) unlock its digital future

by Steve Goldstein Radio ownership is down. Digital listening to broadcast radio is only 12% in the U.S. There is no single reason radio’s digital conversion is slow, Steve Goldstein says in this guest column, while noting that “history has been unkind to repurposed content on new platforms.” He offers better examples from other industries and provides a suggestion for radio.
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An investment gap: Brand advertising misses the mark — audio.

A newly released study from marketing/strategy firm WARC tells a story of missed opportunity on the buy side, and missing revenue on the sell side of audio. While 31% of the average consumer’s media consumption is now audio, only 8.8% of the average media budget is allocated to audio, and 25% of advertisers do not invest in audio at all. The research identifies audio buyer types, and evangelizes the values of audio marketing. Continue Reading

James Cridland’s International Radio Trends: Podcast-first radio

by James Cridland

James Cridland returns with a richly informative newsletter about radio around the world. In this week’s edition: An online radio station that repurposes as a podcast. As always a raft of links to interesting audio stories around the world, and after reading a podcast show script James concludes: “Anyone who writes in all-capitals in 2021 is a masochist.” Continue Reading