Kurt Hanson: Live-copy testimonials are back on late-night TV

by Kurt Hanson

Stephen Colbert debuted as the new host of “The Late Show” on CBS last night. One of the highlights was seeing the return of live-copy testimonial advertising from the show’s host. It was hilarious, and effective. Kurt Hanson connects the creative tactic to podcasting and music streaming. Continue Reading


Kurt Hanson: The Voltair Controversy

by Kurt Hanson

The Voltair controversy is a many-sided issue. When Randy Kabrich posted a piece of research that examined whether the audio processing technology increases ratings in Nielsen PPM markets, as Voltair claims to, Kurt Hanson was impressed — but suggests a different conclusion. Continue Reading

Total Audio Audience: The Need for Unified Measurement

by Brad Hill
The audio industry lacks a total audience ratings solution which unifies the measurement of listening across consumer platforms like FM, simulcasting, pureplay streaming, and podcasting. Advertisers want to understand and reach their target audiences, regardless of platform. We surveyed industry leaders for their sentiments and predictions. Continue Reading