Russ Crupnick: Does SirisuXM Deserve More Respect?

Russ Crupnick of MusicWatch returns to RAIN News with a bold and well researched assessment of SiriusXM, reaching a broad conclusion that the satellite/streaming service is underestimated after a challenging Q1 earnings call. Original research from MusicWatch bolsters the argument, in addition to several keen business-side observations from Russ. A thorough assessment and a good read. Continue Reading

Research finds TV shows can cause up to 19 accidental smart speaker activations a day

The major tech companies making voice assistants all faced consumer backlash in the past several months over privacy issues. While many took steps to give users more control over participating in human review programs, the exposés also revealed that many smart speakers record their users at times when the individual hadn’t uttered a wake word. New research from a group of universities explored the extent to which popular TV shows can accidentally turn on a smart speaker’s microphone. Continue Reading


Canalys: China’s Baidu now holds second place in global smart speaker shipments

Canalys has been tracking shipments of smart speakers for the past several years, and its report on the second quarter of 2019 revealed a shakeup in leading brands. Amazon remained the top brand with 6.6 million units shipped for its Echo line securing 25.4% market share. Baidu, based in China, took over the second spot with 4.5 million units. Continue Reading

Survey: Will listeners switch to music services from their smart speaker brands?

Smart speakers present a potentially valuable new option for music services to reach listeners. The space poses a particular interest for tech firms operating in both hardware and software, since they can create brand loyalty within audiences who will buy their devices and then continue to provide revenue as subscription listeners. Continue Reading

Amazon dominates U.S. smart speaker device ownership with 70% market share

Consumer Intelligence Research Partners has shared its latest research into smart speaker ownership in the United States. The total install base for smart speakers in the country at the close of 2018 is 66 million, up from 36 million in 2017. A growing share of the install base has more than one smart speaker, up to 35% in 2018 from 18% in 2017. Continue Reading