New digital audio ad firm Audire launches in 3 regions, offers 150M reach with “cost per full listen”

A new company called Audire (a combination of “audio” and “dire” — to speak, in French) has launched in Europe, Latin America, and the U.S. It is a new venture for RAIN sponsor and RAIN Summit speaker Carlos Cordoba. The network spans 150-million users across its addressable regions, including 50-million in the U.S. Click for detail. Continue Reading

AI-programmed radio (HD) launches in Nashville, powered by Super Hi-Fi

Radio innovation company Super Hi-Fi is promoting the launch of new technology which uses AI to create radio station programming, and has launched its first examples in HD. It is called HLS+. Partners in this technological adventure are Xperi and Cumulus Media. Two new radio stations in Nashville are powered by a combination of human-produced programming elements and AI-produced targeting and assembly. Click for more explanation of this interesting venture. Continue Reading

Apple announces auto-generated podcast transcripts; praise and objections abound

Apple has declared that its next version of iOS, the iPhone operating system, will be equipped with automatically generated podcast transcripts. That feature will be helpful for users who sometimes prefer reading, or reading along with the audio. But does Apple have the right to do so? Who owns the transcript of an audio production which has been distributed by the audio owner? Continue Reading

RIAA asks U.S. government for protection against AI; targets Voicify

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has identified voice-cloning services as threats to musicians’ intellectual property, and reported Voicify particularly to the U.S. government. was the only service called out by name, though it certainly is not the only service in the game. The RIAA makes two specific complaints. Continue Reading

AdLarge partners with Barometer for AI analysis of podcast content and brand suitability

AdLarge announces a new partnership with AI-powered brand suitability and contextual targeting company Barometer. The mission is to provide brand suitability and safety guidelines across the AdLarge Podcast portfolio. Barometer has built an AI engine to analyze podcast content and… Continue Reading