James Cridland’s International Radio Trends: Podcasts on your radio; radio in your Deezer; listeners on the air

by James Cridland

James Cridland returns with a richly informative newsletter about radio around the world. In this edition: A suggestion for UK’s Podcast Radio, from a Canadian initiative. A discovery in Deezer. Why doesn’t Spotify do this thing? And riffing on iHeart’s new AI thing. Continue Reading

BetterHelp top podcast advertiser in June; three newcomers in top 15 (Magellan AI)

Online therapy service BetterHelp topped Magellan AI’s monthly list of top advertisers of June. BetterHelp was the biggest spender the previous two months as well, and we compare April, May, and June lists with a graphic illustrating unique appearances. ALSO: a fantastic animated visualization of the top podcast spenders over 12 months — must see. Continue Reading