Captivate and Megaphone achieve IAB 2.2 podcast measurement certification

Captivate calls it “the gold standard for podcast analytics measurement.” Megaphone refers to “the highest industry standards around accuracy and transparency in podcast measurement.” Both companies have announced their compliance with the IAB’s latest standard. Click for more info and linkage to the IAB 2.2 documentation. Continue Reading


Spotify exits the IAB; podcasting particularly affected; a signal of extraordinay self-sufficiency

In what is seemingly a statement of global self-sufficiency, Spotify is no longer represented on the IAB’s list of compliant podcast companies. The movement feels momentous in its abruptness, absence of presage, widespread reaction, and inherent implication. Click for details. Continue Reading

Digital audio ad revenue reaches new high for 2023 (IAB annual report)

The IAB’s much awaited annual Internet Advertising Revenue Report was released this morning. It provides a detailed accounting of revenue trends in internet advertising, interesting for its deeply researched overviews of digital advertising, both audio and non-audio. There is growth everywhere. Click for details and graphs. Continue Reading

What’s the internet worth? Consumers say $38,000 a year. And they like ads. (IAB)

Yesterday we provided initial coverage of the IAB’s newly released study, “The Free and Open Ad-Supported Internet: Consumers, Content, and Assessing the Data Value Exchange.” We take a second tour through the richly informative 30-page PDF today, with an emphasis on metrics and the IAB’s narrative running through the presentation. Click for deep coverage and graphs. Continue Reading

For all its gains, podcasting still in early catch-up (IAB part 2)

Part 2 in our coverage of the IAB’s Podcast Advertising Revenue Study, a mid-cycle supplement to the annual report which comes out each spring. This portion analyzes trends and recommendations related to programmatic ad buying, show-based vs. audience-based campaigns, and the need to develop revenue in video podcasting. Continue Reading