RAIN Notes: October 11

Jottings of note:


Turning Tables

Spotify investors and observers of the company’s SPOT stock might be interested in the perspective of Seeking Alpha analyst Ricardo Fernandez in his article, Spotify: Turning The Table On The Labels. The thesis is that Spotify’s increasing user base and scale could shift bargaining power from music labels to Spotify. If so, the shift wold be to the benefit ofSpotify’s balance sheet and its investors. It’s a pitch to investors based on a hypothetical power shift. Whereas labels have traditionally governed the relationship, Fernandez observes that Spotify’s revenue is expected to surpass $15 billion and that would flip the power balance: “[Spotify] may begin to turn from a hostage of the labels to its warden, with significant financial implications.” READ


Taming A Wild Card

Podcast presentation agency True Native Media makes this observation: “When it comes to advertising, true crime might seem like a wild card—controversial and sensational, it’s easy to see why many brands steer clear.” At the same time, the company says, the category is relatively untapped by advertisers and unsaturated in the ad space compared to other genres. Therefore: A prime off-the-beaten-path opportunity for adventurous brands. The company cites key listener metrics from Edison Research and Triton Digital which define the True Crime audience as “financially robust,” and disinclined to skip ads. Read more HERE.


Like A Wild Horse

The Interactive Advertising Bureau is promoting its newest webinar, IAB State of Data Webinar: Harnessing AI to Shape the Future of Data, Privacy and Measurement [LINK]. Scheduled for October 24, it’s part of a series. This installment will examine how AI is changing data and measurement practices across the advertising industry, drawing on insights from the latest IAB State of Data report. Not just about audio. Among the promised topics: How to ensure reliable insights from AI-driven data in different channels, balancing automation and human oversight, how to integrate AI while maintaining human oversight, and leveraging AI within a privacy-driven landscape. Three speakers from Google are featured. Register (free) HERE.

October 11, 2024

Brad Hill