RAIN Notes: October 16

Jottings of note:


More Than Golf, But Still

The IAB is splashing information and registration for ALM (Annual Leadership Meeting), scheduled for January 26-28 in Palm Springs, CA. The event promises “agenda-setting discussions, thought-provoking panels, breakouts, firesides, and more.” AI is at the top the agenda, along with Commerce, Creativity, Measurement, Privacy, Resaponsible Media, and Streaming. Also golf. The event is directed to brand marketers and agency executives. Info and requests for passes is HERE.


Prime Numbers

Tom Webster (Partner, Sounds Profitable) posts an analytical article in which he spins off new metrics from the recently released The Podcast Landscape 2024 study. (Our coverage HERE and HERE.) The focus is on the consumer groups which listens to podcasts mostly by audio (75%) and mostly by video (also 75%). He calls these groups Audio Primes and Video Primes. The demographics of these two groups are similar — and that is the main point of interest. “The Video Prime audience is a little younger, but not much!” Webster exclaims. The most interesting chart maps how long the Audio Primes have been podcast consumers. See it HERE.

October 16, 2024

Brad Hill