The new YouTube Music is coming next week as the video platform makes another shaky pitch for subscriptions

YouTube has announced its new streaming music service, and the platform will launch on May 22. YouTube Music will be a free new app and desktop player with the option for a YouTube Music Premium paid subscription. The move comes with changes across the video platform’s other entertainment properties, but it doesn’t seem to be entirely what was foreshadowed in the lead-up to today’s announcement. Continue Reading


YouTube Music revises charts for monitoring most popular music on the platform

YouTube Music announced that several new and updated charts tracking the most popular videos on the platform will launch in 44 countries. The U.S., Japan, Germany, Brazil, and the UK are among the nations that will receive the new charts. The new addition to YouTube Music’s chart roster follows Trending videos. Continue Reading

YouTube reportedly preps Netflix-like service

It has been a very busy year for Alphabet (née Google). Not only has the company undergone a major reorganization and rebranding, but its various entertainment properties have been putting down roots, entrenching themselves for the long journey to becoming the top dogs. The latest development comes from YouTube, which The Wall Street Journal (paywall) reports is working on building up its video offerings to include licensed movies and TV shows. Continue Reading