Weekly podcast listeners skew away from AM/FM during coronavirus, and Joe Rogan rules (Edison)

The most actively engaged podcast listeners — people who listen at least weekly — are, as a group, falling away from AM/FM listening to an extent, and also streaming internet radio. This is one result of an Edison Research survey, as described by SVP Tom Webster in a webinar. Edison also displayed a top-1o list of podcasts with the greatest reach. Guess which is #1 — by a big margin. Continue Reading

Edison Research releases its first quarterly Top Ten Podcast ranker

Edison Research has  broken out a Top Ten Podcast ranker, which measures podcast popularity among weekly podcast listeners. The ranker will be released quarterly, and will represent a rolling four-quarter average. This method smooths out irregularities such as quick-rise, quick-fall podcast flashes in the pan. Continue Reading

Infinite Dial date is announced: March 9

Edison Research and Triton Digital, co-producers of The Infinite Dial, have announced the date of this year’s webinar release: It is March 9 at 2:00pm EST. The broad and detailed survey of American listening behavior has been conducted annually since 1998, producing long-running trend indicators, and is widely considered to be an authoritative snapshot of how and where Americans listen to audio. Continue Reading

“The New Curators”: video and slides from RAIN Summit West

At RAIN Summit West in Las Vegas, Tom Webster of Edison Research gave an informative and entertaining special presentation called “The New Curators.” He included new, previously unpublished information from The Infinite Dial 2014, a joint project of Edison and Triton Digital. Also: “Eyeglasses, dresses, Gnutella, and the most embarrassing record in my record collection.” Click for video. Continue Reading