Podtrac Podcast Industry Ranking (with RAIN Remix): Two new participants grow list to 22

Podtrac’s monthly Industry Ranking now lists 22 podcast publishers, ranking them by audience size. (Eligible podcast publishers are Podtrac clients.) The ranking also includes streams/downloads, which can also be characterized as plays. We present Podtrac’s original ranker graphic and the RAIN Remix, which ranks Podtrac data on a per-show basis. Continue Reading


Acast leads top podcast publishers / networks globally; YouTube poorly represented

In today’s release of Podtrac’s monthly Top Publishers & Networks ranker, we observe that Acast owns the #1 ranking among the seven included networks. Only Podtrac clients are included. Interestingly, very few of the nearly 500 shows in the included chart have YouTube versions. Click for details, a graph, and a very interesting twist. Continue Reading

Podtrac Global Delivery metrics (plus RAIN Remix)

Podtrac has issued a new monthly (presumably) ranker of global streams/downloads, and views. The streams/downloads portion is a measure of RSS activity, and the viewing numbers come from YouTube. Six networks are represented in this work (Podtrac clients). In the RAIN Remix, we reveal the metrics on a per-show basis. It makes all the difference for one of the networks. Continue Reading

Podtrac: Podcast consumption down 10% in September, and RAIN Remix

In the Top Podcast Publishers ranking in September from Podtrac, we are told that podcast downloads and play decreased in September. Meanwhile iHeartPodcasts, Wondery, and NPR repeated month-over-month to take the top three spots based on the ranker’s native sorting. But things get shaken up in the RAIN Remix, which resorts the Podtrac data to show audience and downloads per active show. Click for details and graphics. Continue Reading

Podtrac Top Podcast Publishers shows audience growth, and RAIN Remix

In the Top Podcast Publishers ranking in July from Podtrac, we are told that the unique monthly audience (UMA) increased for two of the top 20 publishers, month-over-month. Meanwhile the average monthly audience for the entire cohort was down by nine percent. Leading networks iHeartPodcasts, Wondery, and NPR take the top three spots based on the ranker’s native sorting. But things get shaken up in the RAIN Remix, which resorts the Podtrac data to show audience and downloads per active show. Click for details and graphics. Continue Reading

Podcast downloads show gains (Podtrac) and RAIN Remix of January Top Publishers ranker

Podtrac’s Top Podcast Publishers monthly ranker for January tells a growth story. We learn that the U.S. monthly audience increased for 15 of the top 20 publishers. Also, average monthly audience was up month-over-month and 16% over January 2022.  Click through for the results and the RAIN remix, which re-sorts the top publishers by average listeners and downloads per show. Continue Reading