Vimeo perseveres over major labels in copyright lawsuit with DMCA decision

Video/audio streaming site Video has prevailed in a copyright infringement lawsuit brought by major music labels Universal Music Group (UMG) and Sony Music. This is not the first time Vimeo has tangled with labels over the same issue, as RAIN reported in 2016 in Capital Records vs. Vimeo. The fulcrum in both cases is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), enacted in 1998.
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Report: DMCA could be allowing up to $1 billion in royalty underpayments

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act has been a lightning rod for criticism from the music industry. There have been many calls to update the act, which took effect in 1999, to reflect the changes that have happened in the music industry over the past two decades. The most recent ammunition in the arsenal for those activists is an academic report from the Phoenix Center. Continue Reading

U.S. music industry calls for support of EU law to address “value gap”

The U.S. music industry is petitioning its European counterparts to make copyright reforms that would address royalty payments made by online music distribution services. Several music industry organizations signed an open letter about the value gap in services that do a great deal of user traffic but make comparatively small royalty payments. It asks U.S. government representatives in Europe to support Article 13 of the Copyright Directive proposed by the European Commission. Continue Reading

The industry’s battle against YouTube gathers steam

With the recent wave of music industry organizations worldwide releasing their data for 2015, two distinct trends have emerged. One of them is a growing dissatisfaction with the flow of money through ad-supported streaming services. Some reports just imply frustration, while others have centered on YouTube as the symbolic scapegoat for their anger about the amount of revenue generated by that type of media platform. Continue Reading

Musicians petition Copyright Office over DMCA

The music industry is taking a stand against the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, with more than 100 artists and managers petitioning the U.S. Copyright Office to change the current safe harbor laws. The industry has submitted three letters to the office – one from music managers, one from creators, and one from artists and songwriters – explaining their concerns with the existing interpretation of the regulation and calling for change. Continue Reading