Monday, February 8


President Biden’s not-podcast, not-radio weekly address

Following a tradition of weekly radio addresses started by Franklin D. Roosevelt, revivied by Reagan, and carried forward in different forms by other chief executives, President Biden has launched a weekly communication series. It won’t be on the radio, though — a White House spokesperson told Engadget that Biden’s weekly chat with Americans will be “where people are.” (That has to feel insulting to radio, especially considering radio’s 93% reach.) So … what is this thing?Continue Reading 


Podcast Radio launches an original podcast with ex-BBC talent

Podcast Radio, the UK DAB+ venture which programs podcasts 24/7, has notified us of a new and original fiction podcast starring former BBC announcer Patrick Muirhead. The show is described as “a series of fictional mystery stories set in the remote tropical island paradise of Seychelles where [Muirhead] now lives.” It is the second original podcast produced by Podcast Radio.Continue Reading 


RAIN Notes: Monday Feb. 8

Jottings of note:

Financial literacy podcast Earn Your Leisure joins the Black Effect Podcast Network
The podcast, which has amassed more than five million downloads, applies an in-depth lens on the role money plays in sports, entertainment, and business.

Deezer recognized Black History Month with specialized content
The global streaming platform launched Deezer Black History Month Sessions featuring all original music recordings. Also, highlighting 26 original podcasts featuring black hosts and/or guests.

Podcaster Pence
Hardly a President, VP, or First Spouse who isn’t getting into the game. Today we hear the recently unemployed Mike Pence will launch a video podcast to “share the good news of conservatism.” He will collaborate with the Young America’s Foundation.

— Monday, February 8