Steve Goldstein: The Ups and Downs of Audio in 2024

In his latest guest column, Amplifi Media chief Steve Goldstein dishes a year-end review of podcasting in 2024. From the election to YouTube’s ravenous appetite. From Spotify’s envy to radio companies on edge. From public radio’s erosion to Sirius XM’s pivot. From subscriptions to audiobooks. This is a year-end must-read. Settle in. Continue Reading

Listening lift, YouTube use, personality power. Canadian Podcast Listener 2024

In most of the podcast consumer studies we receive, two main measurement types are prioritized: Size of audience, and how those audiences respond to ads. In the just-released The Canadian Podcast Listener (CPL), an annual report produced by Canadian audio research firm Signal Hill Insights, both points are boldly surfaced in the public research summary. Click for details, graphs, and link to the public deck. Continue Reading

Spotify rules and declines; Spreaker #2 and moves up in chart of leading podcast hosting companies

In the monthly reckoning by Livewire Labs, we learn that Spotify for Creators remains (unsurprisingly) the top hosting platform for November. Spreaker, as #2, continues its rise after overtaking third-place Buzzsprout in April. The #1 and #2 podcast hosts have been converging toward each other for a few months, based on number of new episodes published per month. Continue Reading

The 50/50 growth proposition in podcasting (The Podcast Marketing Academy)

The Podcast Marketing Academy (whose manifesto is HERE) has released results of a study conducted in Q1 this year: Podcast Marketing Trends. The field work interviewed 515 respondents, all of them podcasters. That group represents over two billion cumulative downloads and 28,000 produced episodes. The survey is characterized as “sadistically long and detailed.” This is Part 1 of our coverage. Continue Reading

Multiverses and influences: Acast Podcast Pulse study is released

Podcasting powerhouse Acast has partnered with Edison Research in a study called Podcast Pulse, supported by global agency Dentsu. Based on surveys of podcast listeners, this work is motivated by the perception that podcasting is shifting, especially on the listener side. Targeted to advertisers, this large, deeply researched, beautifully presented study advocates for a broader perception of podcasting and its listeners. Continue Reading

October podcast production continues 2024 dip (Listen Notes)

New podcast production skidded downward in October, establishing the sixth month trend of desultory trending. To be clear: Although no firm direction is established, the output  level of new podcasts is drawing a fairly stable line, as production seems to be settling after a January peak and gradual lessening during the year. Click for graphs. Continue Reading