Google smart speakers take U.S. lead from Amazon in Q2 (Omdia)

In its quarterly report of smart speaker shipments, London-based research company Omdia reports that Google took the top spot from Amazon in the U.S.

“Most of the slowdown can be attributed to the Amazon Alexa platform (including own branded and 3rd party branded speakers), which saw a decline of 31% QoQ for smart speaker shipments in the US.” The results is that Google beat Amazon by about 800,000 shipments, according to Omdia’s report.

Amazon’s Alexa system still claims the most shipments in Q1 and Q2 combined, with 42% of shipments over Google’s 37% share.

The most dramatic movement in the Q2 report belongs to Apple, whose HomePod and HomePod Mini products — which got a late start in the field and usually lag in studies of brand share — outsold both Google and Amazon in Q2. Below is the chart summarizing the Q2 study with year-over-year comparisons:

Note Apples 180% rise over the same quarter in 2020, and Amazon’s drop.


Brad Hill