Webcast listening in November was 8% higher than the year-ago period, as Spotify its cohort lead in Average Active Sessions (AAS). This according to Triton Digital’s Top-20 Ranker, a monthly report based on Triton’s Webcast Metrics streaming measurement technology.
Spotify served an average of 2.5-million simultaneous streams during the month, against #2 Pandora, which served just under 2-million average streams.
Month-over-month listening moved up one percent. As always, RAIN uses Average Active Sessions (AAS) metric domestically (U.S. only), in the 6:00am to midnight view — a lens we have used to track this report since 2009.
As seen in RAIN’s trendline chart below, Spotify has enjoyed an overall upward trend since it entered Triton’s system in January, 2015. During that span Pandora’s AAS metric has kept a level course around the 2-million benchmark.
Only four pureplay streamers are in Triton’s Top 20: Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio (which furnishes online-only playlists, podcasts, and broadcast streams), and AccuRadio.
Anyone notice how Internet Radio is conspicuously absent from that graph?