Triton Digital has announced that the Triton Local Network (TLN) is integrated in the STRATA media buying platform. The integration allows advertisers and agencies to view audience metrics in local markets, and plan campaigns within and across markets, with geographic and demographic targeting.
“Having an automated process like this for buying and planning digital audio will be a critical tool for agencies and publishers moving forward,” said Judd Rubin, VP of STRATA.
The Triton Local Network represents 37-million unique listeners across nearly 300 local markets. Triton leverages its MRC-accredited Webcast Metrics Local data to deliver AQH and Cume streaming metrics that all audio buyers are accustomed to.
“We are pleased to partner with Strata to make TLN, our premium publisher local ad network, available in their order flow management system,” said John Rosso, President of Market Development at Triton Digital. “Agencies can now plan campaigns, request and receive submissions, send orders and receive electronic invoices from Triton Digital across 278 local markets.”
This deal enables easier buying of streaming audio advertising, across the radio/pureplay line. Major pureplays Pandora and Spotify subscribe to Triton. In October iHeartMedia, the largest radio group in the U.S., signed onto Triton’s Webcast Metrics Local, calling that product “the trusted standard for streaming audio advertising transactions.”