Larry Rosin: Podcasting Is Strongest Among Millennials

larry rosin contributor logo canvasThis guest column is contributed by Larry Rosin, President of Edison Research. It was first published on The Infinite Dial blog.

The statistics about podcasting from our Infinite Dial survey (link to the full study and methods statement is here) have gotten an enormous amount of attention. Clearly, podcasting continues to be having its moment in the sun and there is enormous desire for more information about them.

So over the next several weeks we will keep supplying more findings. A lot of people have asked for the information below — the age of podcast users. This graph is among those who told us they had listened to a podcast in the month before we called them (in January of 2015):

infinite dial 2015 podcast age breakdown 638w

As you can see, podcasting skews young. However, it’s a bit more balanced by age than, for instance, online radio, where usage among 12-24s is vastly higher than that among 55+. This might possibly be in part due to the regular promotion of podcasting on America’s older-skewing public radio system.

So — while the total reported monthly podcast usage is 17% among all ages, as can be seen if we eliminate those 55 and older, more than 20% of the 12-54 age group is now regularly consuming on-demand audio programming.


Larry Rosin


  1. A great follow-up to this would be info on what kind of podcast content is driving millennials to listen.

  2. That demographic data released by Edison contradicts every single podcast audience survey ever taken by podcasters we work with. The 25 and below audience is largely missing from the podcasting listening space and make up less than 10% of the audience.

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