YouTube Red reportedly has 1.5 million subscribers as of late summer. That’s the figure shared by The Verge, citing multiple sources familiar with the video platform’s all-in-one subscription program. According to the sources, another 1 million people are signed up for free trials, but are not paying.
Red has only been out for one year, and it can take a new service time to gain traction. The subscription is also only available in four markets. But given the massive size of YouTube’s audience and cultural weight, that 1.5 million is a very slow uptake. Apple Music, in comparison, had 10 million subscribers within its first six months.
A YouTube representative gave a statement to The Verge, but did not say anything about the accuracy of the 1.5 million data point. “We’re pleased with momentum behind YouTube Red and we’re seeing healthy growth of members each month,” the rep said. “While we don’t release or comment on speculative numbers, we’re seeing strong engagement of the service in the four countries we’ve launched, leading us to invest in more originals series and movies for 2017 and increased marketing of YouTube Music.”