Here is the latest in our perio;dic update of major audio stock performance. In the chart below, we see the violent fluctuations in stock value for Spotify (SPOT), SiriusXM (SIRI), iHeartMedia (IHRT), and Entercom (ETM).
These four companies embody numerous audio creation, distribution, and technology entities, including: Gimlet Media, Parcast, Anchor, Pandora, AdsWizz, Simplecast, iHeartPodcast Network, Stuff Media, Cadence13,, and Pineapple Street Studios.
Note the Spotify jumps in reaection to this week’s announcements (Kim Kardashian and Warner Bros. deals) and the Joe Rogan signing on May 20.
This is a year-to-date chart, with all companies starting at the same spot at the far left. Consider that point $0 (obviously not actual share price), and movement into the year represents relative gain and loss.