Quick Hits: High-def streaming preferences; Spotify’s Diversify hackathon

Brief news items and worthy reads from around the web:

What high-def streamers are listening to: Billboard ran a comparison of the top albums on Spotify versus hi-fi service Tidal. The top albums on Tidal included music by Pink Floyd, Bill Frissel, Royksopp, and Foo Fighters. The differences in preference point toward and older and likely more affluent audience for Tidal, which has seemed to be the target listeners for many of the boutique streaming platforms.

Spotify hosts diversity-centric hackathon: Spotify’s latest hackathon, dubbed “Diversify,” aimed to achieve gender parity and create a better experience for women. The Daily Dot reviewed the steps Spotify’s team took to reach out to more female developers, as well as create a better atmosphere at the event. “We addressed gender as a first step, but will keep working towards making our events welcoming for everyone, regardless,” Spotify’s Sofie Lindblom said.

Anna Washenko