Google has rebranded its smart speaker collection, with the line now falling under its Nest brand. The latest addition is the Google Nest Mini, a second iteration of the Google Home Mini that launched in 2017. Some details about the device leaked in August, and those updates have been confirmed with the official unveiling. The form factor is the same, and there is an option to wall mount the hardware. It has beefed up the audio quality as promised, with twice the bass strength and better automatic adjustments to environmental noise. There are also multiple color options for the cloth top, and Google’s blog post announcing the update emphasized its use of recycled materials in the smart speaker.
The original pint-sized puck device was the top-selling smart speaker in the second quarter of 2018. The combination of a low price point and Google’s ubiquity made it a promising option for buyers around the world who wanted to try out the voice-activated technology with a low commitment.