Anyone interested in buying, selling, or supplying technology for digital audio advertising should know about the upcoming standard specification for audio ads — DAAST (Digital Audio Ad Serving Template). DAAST was introduced by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) on September 6, in the form of a descriptive technical document. Next Thursday, October 30, the IAB will host a webinar to introduce the proposed standard in a different format. Registration, free and open to everyone, is here.
The purpose of DAAST is to promote a technical ecosystem in which advertisers, publishers, agencies, and consumer playback devices are aligned to coherently deliver and track streamed audio advertising. The standard specifies approved assets within an audio advertisement, including companion ads, “ad pods,” and skippable ads.
DAAST has been in development for over a year. It was developed by an industry coalition organized by the IAB (the IAB Digital Audio Ad Serving Template Working Group). Working Group members include tech-media companies, ad-serving solution providers, measurement companies, ad networks, online music services, and radio groups.
Learn what DAAST is and how it can help coordinate advertiseming in the streaming audio industry. Committee co-chairs Benjamin Masse (Triton digital) and Chris Doe (Vindico) will host the webinar.