Sports Illustrated joins Panoply podcast network

panoply logo canvasSlate-owned podcast group Panoply announced that Sports Illustrated is joining as a partner program provider with 11 podcasts. The program selection includes existing and new on-demand shows.

The agreement marks Panoply’s first venture into sports programming. “We’re delighted to feature SI’s outstanding voices and content among our offerings as we develop Panoply’s sports vertical,” said Brendan Monaghan, CEO of Panoply.

Panoply consists of Slate’s home-grown podcasts, plus externally-produced shows from nearly 20 media brands, including The New York Times Magazine, Huffington Post, and now Sports Illustrated.

“Panoply is the perfect partner to help us grow our podcast network,” said Paul Fichtenbaum, Sports Illustrated Group Editor. “This partnership underscores our plan to engage all audiences and especially millennials through their preferred mediums and platforms.”

The sports podcast lineup includes: Monday Morning QuarterbackSI Fantasy FootballAudiblesSI College Football; SI Media Podcast with Richard DeitschThe Gray Area with Maggie GrayPlanet FutbolThe Strike ZoneSI VaultBeyond the Baseline and This is Your Brain on Sports.  Two more shows are being developed now for launch this fall.


Brad Hill