The June data from comScore revealed that 25 percent of Pandora’s active monthly unique visitors, an audience of almost 19 million, are Hispanic. That’s enough people to make Pandora the top music streaming platform for the demographic of listeners, even compared with endemic Hispanic sites such as Univision Digital. Nielsen’s numbers have supported this finding of dominance, noting that 39 percent of Hispanics listen to Pandora in a typical week.
Billboard examined why Pandora has had such success among Latino listeners. It partially stems from the resources the service has dedicated to building up a library that would be attractive to Hispanics. Pandora offers subgenres such as Latin, Mexico, and Puerto Rico, and has at least 10 radio stations to choose from under each division.
Another reason for the success comes from mobile. Mike Reid, Pandora’s executive director for multicultural, said that the platform’s focus on mobile listening had also helped it to secure more ears among Hispanics. “The ComScore numbers illustrate the evolvement of the marketplace,” he said. “It’s obvious we’re capturing not just Spanish-dominant, but also the bilingual Hispanic.”