“The Summer of Copyright.” We’ve been using that phrase recently, borrowed from broadcast attorney David Oxenford and his series of guest articles about this tumultuous year in copyright. (See: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.) Oxenford, a preeminent expert in law pertaining to radio (terrestrial and online), will moderate a discussion panel called “Royalty Reset” at RAIN Summit Indy, September 9 in Indianapolis.
Will the system of music royalties actually be reset when the Copyright Royalty Board establishes new rates? Will the decades-old “Consent Decrees” which govern how publishers and songwriters receive royalties be upheld or stricken down? Will pre-1972 music receive the copyright protection it has never had? What about terrestrial radio paying performance royalties for the first time in history — will it happen, and should it?
These questions are all in play as streaming audio escalates its disruption of the record industry, and the radio industry. Every webcaster has a stake in understanding how royalties work, and this panel is vitally important.
Joining David Oxenford onstage will be: Morvarid Metanat, Corporate Counsel (Pandora); Gary Greenstein, Partner (Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati); Casey Rae, VP, Policy & Education (Future of Music Coalition); AJ Correale, Attorney (Frost Brown Todd LLC).
CLICK HERE to the entire conference agenda, and confirmed speakers for RAIN Summit Indy.