RAJAR has released its first-quarter results for radio listening in the UK. The data showed that 48.2 million adults or 89% of the UK’s adult population listen to radio stations each week. The first quarter weekly listening rate has consistently hovered between 89% and 91% since 2012.
Nearly six in 10 people (59%) are tuning in to radio on a digital platform each week. Digital has been steadily growing its share of listeners since 2012. In Q1 2017, the digital share was 47.2%, up 9% from the year-ago percentage. DAB sets were responsible for 71% of all digital listening. Total digital listening hours for the quarter reached 483 million hours.
Online listening had a 17% share of digital hours, or an 8% share of total listening. This RAJAR data set also noted that a quarter of UK adults listen to the radio on a mobile phone or tablet.