PodcastOne has added a scripted, serialized drama program to its available content. The show, dubbed Telling Stories: The Podcast, is being made in partnership with Blackstone Audio. The stories will air daily, and a new plot arc will start every Monday. The stories are slated to span drama, comedy, and science fiction. Episodes will be available for free on PodcastOne’s website and app, as well as on iTunes.
“I am thrilled that we could put this podcast together with PodcastOne,” said Rick Bleiweiss, head of business for Blackstone. “I know that podcast listeners will love the fabulous stories, which are told by some of the world’s greatest story-tellers, that we will be presenting every week.”
The deal represents an interesting extension of PodcastOne’s programming model. the PodcastOne portfolio has heretofore focused on celebrity hosts with large audiences such as Adam Carolla and Shaq. A recent announcement partnering Forbes to PodcastOne was different, and today’s announcement signals that the on-demand audio platform founded by Norm Pattiz is stretching in new ways.
Norm Pattiz commented on adding this serialized storytelling to the company’s roster. “Scripted, dramatic content is growing in the podcast space because people can listen to entertaining shows while doing anything, and from anywhere – no screen needed,” he said. “We are building our commitment to dramatic and scripted programming, and Telling Stories will bring great new opportunities for our listeners and advertisers.”