Pandora has redesigned its mobile app to introduce new features focused on personalization and discovery. The updates include the mobile launch of the Pandora Modes feature that rolled out to the web version of the service in March. Pandora Modes lets listeners adjust the programming algorithm that makes song selections for their stations, with options to skew toward popular tracks, new releases, or discovery.
The update also brings a new discovery feature called For You. This tab highlights personalized recommendations for both music and podcasts with multiple updates a day. The Pandora app has also been revised with a simpler interface for navigation to take advantage of the new features.
In addition to the redesign, Pandora has made further updates to its app for iOS users that reflect the latest changes allowed in Apple’s latest mobile operating system. The app now supports Dark Mode, an option designed for low-light environments. Pandora will automatically reflect the overall choice each user makes for their phone about functioning in Light Mode or Dark Mode.
The other big Pandora update with iOS 13 this week is support from SiriKit for Audio. This brings Siri voice assistant controls to the audio platform without the need for any set-up steps. Using the wake words “Hey Siri” lets listeners control their Pandora playback by voice.