Pandora has appointed Naveen Chopra as its new chief financial officer. Chopra joins the online audio company from TiVo, where he was interim CEO from January 2016 until the firm was acquired by Rovi. He also acted as Rovi’s CFO and senior vice president of corporate development and strategy from 2012 to 2016.
“After a thorough and thoughtful search process, we are thrilled to welcome Naveen aboard,” Pandora founder and CEO Tim Westergren said. “Naveen is a talented business leader whose deep knowledge and background in consumer-oriented technology companies make him the right choice as our new CFO. His impressive experience guiding financial strategy and execution at growing companies will serve Pandora well. I look forward to working closely with him as we continue to execute our strategy.”
Pandora’s most recent CFO was Mike Herring, who served in that role since March 2013. In March 2016, he added on the responsibilities as president, and in November 2016 he transitioned into only that position while Pandora began looking for a full-time CFO.