On the Move tracks hires, promotions, and other notable personnel changes within the online audio industry.
Martin Bandier remains at Sony/ATV: Martin Bandier has signed on to stay at the helm of Sony/ATV for another three years. He has been the publisher’s chairman and CEO since 2007. According to the new contract, Bandier and his team will remain stable even if ownership of Sony/ATV changes (we’ve seen recurring rumors that the department might go up for sale).
iHeartMedia restructuring with senior exec promotions: iHeartMedia is making some changes in the structure of its executive management. The conglomerate has promoted four senior executives to the newly created position of Division President. Instead of the former setup of Major and Regional market groups, the company is now split into geographically-assigned Divisions. The leaders of these new Divisions are Hartley Adkins for northeast and corporate operations; Greg Ashlock for west; Matt Martin for central; and Tom McConnell for midwest/southeast.