Music industry joins forces in support of Music Modernization Act and other proposed legislation

Several U.S. music industry organizations have voiced their unified support for three pieces of proposed legislation. More than 20 groups issued a joint press release to endorse the Music Modernization Act of 2017, the CLASSICS Act, and the AMP Act.

The Music Modernization Act would overhaul the current process for mechanical royalties by creating a market-based rates and appointing a collective to manage all digital uses of mechanical licenses (read more here). The CLASSICS Act would establish royalty payments for digital radio plays of music recorded prior to 1972, when federal copyright law took effect (read more here). The AMP Act adds producers and engineers to U.S. copyright law.

The organizations participating in the joint release include the National Music Publishers Association, the RIAA, ASCAP, BMI, the American Association of Independent Music, SoundExchange, and the Content Creators Coalition. The overwhelming support from this swath of the music industry indicates that the organizations are throwing their weight behind these acts, and will push for their passage in 2018.

Three of the four proposals currently available to Congress won the groups’ endorsement. The joint releases did not mention the Fair Play Fair Pay Act, which would implement performance royalties for terrestrial radio airplay (read more here). The National Association of Broadcasters has vehemently opposed this legislation.

Anna Washenko


  1. I’m glad they are putting more lights into Music Modernization act. The Music Industry needs this to be active for the betterment of Entertainment industry.

  2. I hope the small Internet broadcasters who help indie artists get exposure are given a break on the music royalties that they now pay. These people are not making money and do it for the love of radio and promoting new music art.

  3. I hope the small Internet broadcasters will be given a break on the music royalties they have to pay. These people are the one’s not generating revenue but operate often very good Internet only streams that promote new artists who would not otherwise get any exposure.

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