The Marketers’ Guide to News Radio, a new info-promo by radio giant Audacy, makes a richly graphical case for the quality of news radio audiences, and the unique values to advertisers.
The presentation deck represents a 2024 study conducted for Audacy by market research company Alter Agents. In it, we are drenched with affirmations about the credibility and stickiness of radio news, and the advantages of advertising in that channel.
“News consumers remain one of the most valuable yet under-tapped audiences.” –The Marketer’s Guide to News Radio
“It’s not just safe for brands to advertise around unbiased, high-quality news, but audiences respond positively.” –The Marketer’s Guide to News Radio
“Nearly all listeners pay attention to ads. In fact, many listeners believe ads offer a smooth transition between segments. –The Marketer’s Guide to News Radio
A key discovery of this research is the gigantic percentage of news listeners who pay attention (to one degree or another) to ads on the radio.
It’s not just about paying attention, though; Audacy has measured how that attention can pay off for advertisers, in three ways:
Case studies are always welcome, and Audacy delivers a story about a local HVAC company seeking to distinguish itself in a field of larger competitors. Audacy station KYW Newsradio fashioned a “standout solution.” It included partnering in the creation of two weather-triggered programs, along with a suite of cross-channel Audacy assets — commercials, sponsorships, streaming audio, and website takeovers. The results were god and clearly measurable … and interestingly, the elevated call volume and website traffic dropped again between marketing programs.
Quality of audience is emphasized again and again in the presentation deck. “Valuable, Informed, & Engaged — And Audience That Matters” — that mantra is pounded home with giant typeface.
And, of course, Audacy emphasizes its own metrics: The #1 Audio News group in the country, reaching 14.4 million listeners monthly, via 24×7 coverage with topical deep-dives and award-winning journalism.”
There is also a brag graphic showing off sponsor logos in various categories.
As always we recommend looking at the source, which is freely available HERE.