Apple Music has arrived on the Google Play store in beta form. That means Apple’s big foray into streaming music is now available for Android device owners. Most of the core functions are available, although music video has not yet made the transition into the Android version. The subscriptions will cost the same amount as on iOS and Mac platforms; that’s $9.99 a month or $14.99 for family sharing. However the new Android accounts will first be able to experience a three-month free trial.
Apple Music’s performance and audience retention has been the subject of much digital ink, and this debut is likely to prolong interest in the topic. Last month, CEO Tim Cook confirmed that it had more than 15 million users, including more than 6.5 million paying subscribers. That was all on Apple’s own hardware, and it’s unclear how much demand there might be in the Android camp for a music service made by the competitor. But this does open up the possibility for another jump, if only a small one, in audience numbers for the fledgling Apple Music.
I downloaded it last night to try it out. Was disappointed that I can’t access songs already in my iTunes library without having to subscribe. Because of that, I uninstalled it from my phone.