adStream: T-Mobile continues heavy presence; wine club mash-up

adStream is a journal of ad-stalking and commercial spottings of interest in streaming services.

Following up on an adStream focus from a few weeks ago, we are continuing to see heavy t-Mobile presence in ad-supported streams, as the wireless carrier markets its free-data music streaming plan. Data caps are removed for many t-Mobile customers when streaming selected music services, so it makes sense for the company to push its marketing into those services.

adstream - slacker - ad units in song panel 638w


In other screenshots of our ad-stalking activity, we have been impressed by Club W’s full-screen takeover of Pandora’s browser app…


adstream - pandora - wine club - fullscreen 638w


…and were amused when we saw a smaller Club W presentation mashed up with a wakefulness drug: “Learn more about wakefulness when it counts … Your first bottle is on the house.” Nice poetic ring, there.

adstream - pandora - CONFLICT wakefulness drug and wine club

Brad Hill