Wall Street Journal launches WSJ Radio on TuneIn

Dow Jones and TuneIn have announced a collaboration in which WSJ Radio will join the streaming audio giant with a dedicated 24-hour channel. TuneIn Premium subscribers will hear an ad-free presentation; anyone can listen to the ad-supported version. 

“We’re thrilled to be able to partner with Dow Jones as they are the go-to source for international business news and data,” said Richard Stern, CEO of TuneIn. “One of the core focus areas of content for TuneIn is providing the most trusted and relied-upon names in news. Few brands have a reputation as honored as Dow Jones and The Wall Street Journal when it comes to business reporting. It is the echelon of quality which our listeners have come to expect.”

This is not the first incarnation of a radio product from WSJ; the Wall Street Journal Radio Network existed previously on broadcast stations. That product phase ended in 2014.

Content for the current audio experience is taken from at least four of Dow Jones media brands: The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Barron’s, and MarketWatch.

“This partnership with TuneIn is the latest example of Dow Jones’s commitment to expanding our audio experiences in innovative ways,” said Ann McGowan, senior vice president of New Ventures for Dow Jones. “Delivering trusted insights to new audiences requires us to meet them where they are, so we’re delighted to bring the depth and breadth of our audio and podcast suite to TuneIn listeners.”

TuneIn addresses a global audience of 75-million listeners in over 100 countries on over 200 devices and platforms.

Brad Hill