Spotify introduced its Insights blog earlier this month, and its creative take on data has already been taking the music world by storm. The latest missive delves into the listening habits of college students. Spotify listed the top 40 schools with the highest rates of sign-ups for its student deal last semester, then ranked them by number of song plays. Arizona State University secured the top place on the Most Musical Universities in America list, followed by Auburn University and Brigham Young University in second and third, respectively.
A mere list of most musical schools would be interesting, but Spotify takes it a step further by sharing the unique traits of each college, as well as creating an interactive map for exploring the preferences and habits of students. It found that Iowa State students listened to the happiest songs, while Ohio State played the most classical music. University of Colorado-Boulder students were the top streamers of both the Focus and Relax Spotify playlists.
If you want to investigate more of the data, the interactive map details the distinct characteristics of each school, daily listening habits, projected student schedules, and ranks for various musical traits.