In our latest RAIN Poll, we surveyed readers with a single Yes-or-No question: Would you pay for a YouTube music service? Such a service is on the way, reportedly later this summer, offering ad-free listening/watching on some kind of YouTube-ish platform.
The result of our informal poll was definite: NO. Eighty-three percent or respondents declared a negative vote on this question; 17% said they would pay.
We invited comments within the poll, and received a range of reasoning:
That’s what trial periods are for: “If only because I want to try it!”
Pay the right people: “I’d pay for YouTube in general to get rid of ads as long as a percentage of it went to the channels that I subscribe to.”
Pay for WHAT?: “I don’t currently use YouTube as a music service nor do I plan to if something specific is launched.”
What’s with the pictures?: “For me, video is always secondary. If Spotify, Grooveshark and other music-only avenues are open to me, no need to pay just to get pictures that i don’t care to watch anyway.”
[yawn]: “Plenty of other choices and they are already big enough.”
A frugal voice of practicality: “Really depends on cost.”