Jottings of note:
Pure Synth
Anna Indiana defines herself (itself?) as an AI singer-songwriter. Her (Its?) video releases are entirely created by auto-generated artificial intelligence. That includes the image, the vocal performance, key, tempo, chords, melody, and lyrics. “My goal is to create and perform new original music on a 24/7 livestream with zero humans in the loop,” she (it?) says. WATCH
Creating and Owning
Matt Mise, Head of branded podcast production house Pacific Content, has authored an analysis of podcast ad effectiveness. Hinging his arguments on the company’s key success formula — “Creative Bravery + Commitment” — the central value proposition lies in creating and owning your own audience. “When it comes to building lasting brands, becoming part of a culture, and creating communities, producing an original podcast is one of the strongest channels to invest in.” At the same time, the article acknowledges that building an original podcast from the ground up might be a hard sell within any company. There is research here, documenting that nearly half of podcast listeners skip radio-style ads. There much more; read it HERE.
Unlocking Secrets
The Podcast Growth summit is set for this Thursday, November 30, at The Barbicon Centre, London. The event is a production of podcasting advocacy and advisory company podpod. The event is “dedicated to unlocking the secrets of successful podcasts” and is targeted to podcast creators and media owners. Infor and registration HERE.
November 27, 2023