RAIN Notes: Thursday, October 5

Jottings of note:



The Power of Brands n Podcasts, the latest research study from Sounds Profitable, will be presented in a free webinar on October 18, 2pm ET. “Uncover insights about listeners of branded content, alternative ways to engage them, their thoughts about video compared to typical podcast listeners, and more” — that’s the formal description. Register HERE.


Small Needs

AudioGo, a subsidiary of AdsWizz, has posted 7 Big Reasons Why Today’s Small Business Needs Digital Audio Advertising, authored by Kate Gerwe, Chief Marketing Officer at Sinch. Filled with links to explanatory articles and case studies (as well as AudioGo services), the piece claims that digital audio marketing is the future, it fills in the gaps of Facebook and Google advertising, it is attention-getting and catchy, and they can make a small business feel bigger. READ


October 5, 2023

Brad Hill