RAIN Notes: Monday, July 12

Jottings of note:


Jolly Good

Stony Brook University offers an AudioPodcast Fellows that includes coursework and mentorship in audio engineering, storytelling, interviewing, and marketing. It is an accredited program, and claims to be the world’s first. INFO


Resuming the Conversation

Vox Conversations has relaunched in the post-Ezra Klein (now with NYTimes) era. After a series of episodes with rotating hosts, Vox has settled on Jamil Smith and Sean Illing as regular co-hosts. APPLE GOOGLE WEBSITE


Radio Fame

Radio Hall of Fame nominees are announced today (SEE THEM), and voting will happen on July 26. (Lisa Dollinger). An industry panel votes in four of six categories. Anyone can vote in the other two, but again, not until July 26. VOTE

— Monday, July 12

Brad Hill