RAIN Notes: Tuesday, March 29

Jottings of note:



Pierre Bouvard commandeers the Westwood One blog to post “Six Head Snappers” — a handful of key findings in The Infinite Dial 2022, presented last week by Edison Research SVP Tom Webster. Bouvard is interested in TikTok, smart speakers, streaming popularity, radio streaming, podcast audience growth, and the 12-34 podcast audience going into a post-Covid era. Check this out in two ways: VIDEO or READ.



From across sthe ocean, head of Audio UK Tim Wilson reminds us that an open letter is calling for for continued funding for Audio Content Fund, a trade association for professional audio production companies covering radio, podcasting, audiobooks, and more. Since April 2019, at the cost of just £1m a year, the Audio Content Fund has been commissioning a wide range of unique public service radio content for a wide range of commercial and community stations. A substantial list of signatories and sstatements (substantial in quantity and quanlity) is HERE.

— Tuesday, March 29

Brad Hill