RAIN Notes: January 13

Jottings of note:



Jeff Umbro, CEO of The Podglomerate, publicly celebrates his company’s eighth anniversary. “This is definitely my longest tenured job,” he notes, “and the most rewarding.” Flashing back to last year, Jeff counts 90 podcast clients in 2024, and downloads in the hundreds of millions. He reflects: “We earned 100s of thousands of dollars for our more than 50 ad sales partners, including sales from more than 60 direct brands and 20 agencies, accounting for more than 25,000,000 ad impressions.” Many more reflections and accomplishments HERE.


Yet Another

Indefatigable interviewer E.B. Moss adds to her collection of CES conversations with a dual release featuring Andrew Klein (SVP, Creative Technology & Innovation, Publicis Media) and Albert Thompson (Digital Strategist, Walton Isaacson). AI is the focus of this bonus episode. Klein talks about an AI-saturated future via wearable technology — “I think we’re going to have more conversations with AI, potentially, than we would with people.” Thompson extended the futuristic theme with a key central point:”The world’s currency is not technology, it’s trust.” Listen HERE.


The Biz of Bizzy Audiences

Sounds Profitable announces the Sounds Profitable Educational Series for 2025 with a webinar led by Tom Webster. Topic: The Business Podcast Consumer — a look at the audience for business podcasts, and what makes thoselisteners different from the audience for other podcast genres. This week’s webinar will release results from research conduced by Sounds Profitable and American Public Media. Key points include demographics, and media consumption habits of a valuable audience segment. Kai Ryssdal, host of Marketplace, will guest. It’s this week: Wednesday January 15, 3pm ET, free registration HERE.


January 13, 2025

Brad Hill