Quick Hits: T-DAB+ testing in Czech Republic; audio quality questions at Apple Music; indie Internet radio outlook

Brief news items and worthy reads from around the web:

Czech Republic launches large T-DAB+ trial: The Czech Telecommunication Office granted a permit for testing T-DAB+ digital broadcasting technology. The aim of the project, which can last for up to one year, is to test the parameters of radio wave distribution from high-power transmitters. Telecompaper reported that this trial marks the first experimental broadcasting of T-DAB+ on this scale. This technology could lead to lower costs of signal distribution and efficient radio spectrum usage, creating space for a larger number of channels.

Apple Music will be below standard audio quality: The Next Web reported that Apple Music’s streaming bitrate will be 256kbps, which is below the usually-heard 320kbps. Beats Music operated at that higher bitrate, and other competitors such as Spotify, Google Play Music, and Tidal all stream at up to 320kbps. However, based on most people’s inability to hear sound quality distinctions, that may not be a factor in subscriber interest.

A rough outlook for indie Internet radio: Most of the industry discussion surrounding Apple Music centers on how it’s entry into the field will impact the established players. A recent article in Radio Survivor addressed how this new player might affect the future for independent Internet radio. “If Apple’s platform ends up being kind of crappy or too annoying with ads, then that might tarnish internet radio for a lot of new listeners,” Paul Riismandel said. “The more realistic threat is that Apple Music Radio is just good enough to capture millions of casual listeners who won’t be bothered to look for or try other stations.”

Anna Washenko