Brief news items and worthy reads from around the web:
Sirius XM isn’t worried about streaming rivals: Sirius XM CEO David Frear spoke at an investor event about the satellite radio company’s view on streaming services. He talked positively about Sirius XM’s position, stating that the popularity of streaming has not impacted demand for the company’s service. “We are not a music distribution service,” Frear said. “We are radio.” He also touched on the growth of connected car technology.
Seasonal listening trends on Spotify: The Spotify Insights blog often yields fascinating glimpses into the company vast stores of listening data, and the latest post is no exception. It examines how music preferences change as the calendar does, and presents lists of artists that are most closely related to a particular season. So if you’re feeling compelled to listen to R. City or Pentatonix these days, chalk it up to the arrival of the first day of fall.