It’s too much to say that the RAIN News editorial office is obsessed with Star Trek, but everyone here is a fan. As with many other people around the world, the momentous death of Leonard Nimoy affected us strongly.
To find a streaming audio tribute, we turned to a source that is obsessed with Star Trek: Kurt Hanson’s AccuRadio. (Kurt Hanson, founder and CEO of AccuRadio, is also the Founding Editor of RAIN News.) Hanson is known for Star Trek references in his industry speeches, and for collecting Star Trek memorabilia.
No disappointment. AccuRadio rapidly put together “Music from Star Trek: A Tribute to Leonard Nimoy,” featuring underscore tracks from the multiple TV series and movies. (Go here and select the station.)
You can expect to hear a lot of Jerry Goldsmith’s movie work in this station, with TV composers Dennis McCarthy, Ron Jones, and Jay Chattaway mixed in. We even got incongruously rocked by Steppenwolf’s “Magic Carpet Ride,” which was featured in the film Star Trek: First Contact.
Any soundtrack pureplay is going to put drama into your day — this one for sure, balanced by evocations of deep-space mystery and celestial triumph.