Pureplay of the Day: Healing Music Radio

healing music radioHow are you feeling? First day back at work? Did you indulge in a last-ditch celebratory fling last night? Decompressing from a glut of cheery holiday music and New Year’s jubilation? Perhaps your pureplay for today should be soothing, New-Agey, world-spanning audio textures, like a sonic massage.

Healing Music Radio is the ticket to post-holiday recovery. We’ve heard tracks by artists we’ve never heard of (Capitanata, Rudy Adrian, Logos, Fernand Deroussen), which is to our discredit, along with some familiar names like Jesse Cook. We were also lured by environmental soundscapes (e.g. forsts, chirping birds) mixed among the music tracks. There is a good blend of hangover-friendly air pudding and mildly motivated musical movement with easygoing world percussion.

Give it a try — slowly … no sudden movements … easy does it.


Brad Hill